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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Sad news, and new beginnings

Haven't felt much like posting lately on here, as I lost Homer when we returned from our holiday in Northumberland in April.  left a very large hole which i am trying to fill at the moment.  It pretty much rips your heart out losing your best mate, whatever the age or consequences are.

The best mate ever..

As we were aware that Homers demise was imminent, I took the plunge and got my name down for a pup.  Probably sounds a bit heartless, but we needed to fill the void he left

I had one 'dogless' camp, well Barley came, but tbh she spends more time in everyone elses kitchen tents than she does by my side.  So a visit to Thistledown over the easter bank holiday, saw many of us campers reunited for the first camp of the year

Lazy days at Thistledown

Anyway the new pup,  'Tarquin' (apologies, but he was never going to be called Fido or Marley) is now duly collected and parcelled and settled in my home at the grand old age of 10 weeks.   With great delight I can report that he seems to be a perfect example of an unruly badly behaved pig ignorant labrador.  There are many deja vu moments, which we have put down to the 'voices' he is hearing (I'm sure Homer hasn't bowed out of our lives that silently).  Day 1 saw a natural progression to diving into the coffee cup, a distinct lack of interest in dog food, and an overly keen interest in fondant fancies.  Tarquin is finding the tomato 'knob' ends a bit unusual, but is prepared to widen his culinary tastes as much as possible.  I will try the walnut test, if he walks away from them, I know the voices are well and truly influencing his poor naive head

Our new addition

Testing Tillie for size

And yes, first camp is booked in.  At the grand age of 11 weeks I am taking 'pissquick' away to Yorkshire next weekend.  Will try and update a bit more frequently... if I ever get round to it.


  1. Val. A lovely post. RIP Homer. Long live "pissquick". Yours, Alphonso

  2. So sorry to hear about Homer Val, and I fully know where you're coming from in getting another companion so quickly. Homer will never be replaced but the new addition will help to heal that great big hole in your heart - it certainly worked for me years ago when I got Sugar only five days after losing Skippy. And what an adorable little pup you've got, I hope he loves camping as much as Homer and Barley and you have some great times with him :)

  3. So sorry to read about Homer, i am sure the new pup will soon be an "old hand" at the camping lark - looks very at home in Tillie!
    Take care
    Happy camper 95

  4. Sorry to hear about Homer Val, he really did seem to be 'one of a kind'. However it does look as if Tarquin is doing his best to keep you busy,
    Take care,

    1. Tarquin's fine until he hears 'the voices'. They seem to be a bad influence on him.... Love both in their own way, but Homer will be a hard act to follow


CRAFTY POST - My revolting conservatory-camping-store-room, really needed a makeover....

Finished!  So I get asked, where do I store all my camping kit? The answer is